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11 Febbraio 2009 - Jazz&Wine

Fattoria La Saiana partecipa all’anteprima della rassegna Jazz&Wine presso il Ristorante “Il Ponte del diavolo” a Rimini.

L’11 febbraio i vini Sangiovese Saiana e Rupe Saiano sono stati protagonisti della cena-concerto organizzata presso il ristorante Il Ponte del diavolo a Rimini in occasione dell’anteprima della rassegna Jazz&Wine dell’Associaizone culturale Jazzlife. I vini della Fattoria La Saiana sono stati apprezzati dal pubblico del ristorante che li ha degustati abbinati al menù scelto per la serata a base di cinghiale.

Grande successo della serata grazie all’ottima qualità dei vini proposti, ai piatti presentati e alla musica jazz del Jazzlife Quintet.

Per conoscere le prossime date della rassegna Jazz&wine visita il sito www.jazzlife.it


January 2009 – Ariminus

Arriving soon “ Ariminus”. Contact us for further information or to order.

02 August 2008 – Grand wine tasting evening in Romagna.

A large number or Dutch and German tourists joined us for a very special wine tasting experience in a large tourist resort on the beautiful Romagna coast. It was held by myself with the help of a  Dutch  interpreter.


The available places were occupied straightaway and due to this a number of people were unable take part. The participants were extremely interested in my explanation of how to carry out a professional wine tasting, of the various visual component and of the olfactory and taste testing techniques . The first part of my presentation was based on theory and was followed by a practical tasting of four wines, in chronological order:

1) Falanghina del Taburno Adria (2007) from the Torre dei Chiusi vineyard: As I have already written in the following http://www.winetaste.it/ita/anteprima.php?id=3586 ,
It is one of the best falangina, tasted wines that is currently available in Italy;

2) Then came the turn of a sangiovese di Romagna, named “Saiana (2007), second year of production, the basic version is aged in steel: a lovely ruby red colour; the nose detects a crunchy fruity aroma and a good, olfactory clarity. On the palate it is warm and lightly tannic, it has a lovely fluid, inviting texture. The finishing intensity is good;
3 )Sangiovese di Romagna “Rupe” (2007) Doc Superiore gr.14
Doc Superiore gr.14
This wine was tasted from the barrel as it will be bottled in October 2008, however the results were extremely promising: purplish border, dark red between crimson and ruby: Red fruity aromas, clean, intense and enjoyable; on the palate it is young and red-hot, still stressed from the barrel transfer; an excellent product that in a year’s time, and after 6/7 months in a bottle, will become a great Sangiovese di Romagna.This is the 2nd year of bottling with a minimum production of 10,000 bottles, but I believe that the future will bring better results. The 7 ha of specialized vineyard will be able to produce approximately 40,000-50,000 bottles.
On the palate it has the right amount of warmth, with good medium-grain tannins, yet to integrate fully, a clean and crunchy juice, pleasing to drink, medium long finish. A wine that will score well above 85/100, but for a final evaluation I wish to wait another year until it is in its peak condition;

4) Sangiovese di Romagna “Rupe”  Doc Superiore 2006 Doc Superiore gr.13,5
A garnate red colour with dark tones; aroma reveals a toasted-smokey note conferred by the wood in which it was kept, there is a good fruity scent; on the palate it is soft with fine tannins and has the right amount of warmth, there is a very light, pleasing note of liquorice. A well balanced, well produced wine. Sangiovese when cultivated with the new agronomic techniques, and if well made, can reach excellent results. A wine that has “ punch” but in a velvet glove.
Now, after a year, the wood has been well absorbed, there is a light aroma of depletion that after a few minutes disappeared, and the taste of the wine improved, with well integrated tannins and a pleasing delicacy. The 2007 year was clearly superior and the use of the wood was better balanced. I am sure that I will hear more about this Romagnole wine in the future.
Each of the participants received a bottle of the delicious Sangiovese di Romagna that is produces in the hills around Torriana.
A delightful, social evening in the pursuit of good wines and of making friends, a characteristic that the people of this region have in their genes.
And so dear readers I drink to our health with the magnificent wines of Romagna.

Roberto Gatti

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Fattoria Saiana dei fratelli Grotti s.s. - Via Palazzo, 15 Torriana (RN)
P.iva 03282900400    Tel 3287 56 20 34    E-mail info@fattoriasaiana.it
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